601 West Lombard Street
Baltimore MD 21201-1512
Information Services: 410-706-7995
Health Sciences and Human Services Library
University of Maryland
601 W. Lombard Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-1512
Information Services - Everly Brown | 410-706-7995 |
Course Reserves - Ivan Freedman | 410-706-7995 |
Collection Management - Steve Douglas | 410-706-8856 |
Resource Sharing - Laura Youngborg | 410-706-3239 |
Digital Archive - Sarah Weirich | 410-706-2379 |
Library Administration - Linda Wise | 410-706-7545 |
Research and Education Services - Emilie Ludeman | 410-706-7373 |
School of Dentistry Librarian - Mary Ann Williams | 410-706-8863 |
School of Dentistry Librarian - Shanell Stephens | 410-706-8862 |
School of Medicine Librarian - Nicole Shelawala | 410-706-8868 |
Graduate School Librarian - Emilie Ludeman | 410-706-6852 |
School of Nursing Librarian - Yunting Fu | 410-706-1315 |
School of Pharmacy Librarian - Emily Gorman | 410-706-8875 |
School of Social Work Librarian - Gail Betz | 410-706-6851 |
Center for Data and Bioinformation Services (CDABS) - Amy Yarnell | 410-706-1551 |
Innovation Space - James Stephens | 410-706-0405 |
Presentation Practice Studio - Thom Pinho | 410-706-7161 |
Historical Collections - Tara Wink | 410-706-5048 |
NNLM, Region 1 - Tony Nguyen | 410-706-2855 |
Metadata Management - Maria Pinkas | 410-706-7975 |